Oct 2010 : Akim AF7 Ringtones
Thursday, September 30, 2010
- Akim - Kau Dan Aku
- Akim -Titah Sultan
- Akim - Kau Dan Aku V1
- Akim - Bengang
- Akim - Inilah Cinta V1
- Akim - Inilah Cinta V2
- Akim - Juara
- Akim - Rindu Yg Telah Pergi
Cosmetics millionaire Susilawati Lawiya and three of her friends were murdered sometime over the last few weeks; their bodies were then burnt and ashes scattered in a river near Morib. Two brothers, both lawyers, have been arrested as suspects. Full news [The Star]
Sept 2010 : Lets Dance with Wondergirls!
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